Friday, February 29, 2008

English: News Letter


Mary Dalton daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Dalton was reported missing on Saturday morning around 2 o’clock. Ms. Dalton was last seen by their chauffeur and her mother. The latest on Ms. Dalton is that she was supposed to be hiding out with a communist. The accusation is still not clear yet. It was also known to be a kidnapping, judging by the kidnappers letter sent to the Daltons home. We have actually read the letter sent to the Dalton’s family. The Kidnapper has made it clear that he wants ransom money. The letter also had instructions for the delivery of the ransom money. This letter was not sent in the mail, so we don’t have an address of the kidnapper. Mr. Dalton said the letter was left under the door. Mr. Dalton said the signature was “Reds”. We have heard from the Dalton’s family and they are willing to pay the ransom money. Mr. Dalton has made it clear that he does not want the police to be in this kidnapping. It is said that in the letter the kidnapper requested that the police does not be contacted.

Even though Mr. Dalton does not want much help from the police, we still ask you to speak up if you know anything about this case. Please contact the new paper, Thank you.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Chapter 2 Summary

Chapter 2 Summary
Pages 27 to 46
In this chapter Bigger and G.H go to the movie theater while waiting to meet at the pool hall at three. At the movie theater they masterbated to a movie. After they went to the movies they parted ways and Bigger went home to get his gun and his knife. He had to sneak in though so his mother would not stop him and ask him what he was up to. After leaving there he went to the pool hall to meet the guys to do the robbery. There he and Gus get into a confrintation and there for everyone was kicked out of the pool hall. When he gets back home he changes clothes and went to his job interview at the daltons house.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

English Chapter 1

February 25, 2008 Vondell Saunders and Portia Speakes
Chapter Summary

Chapter 1-Pages 3 to 27
In this chapter it begins with a bell ringing waking Bigger Thomas a brother and a sister and a mother in a small cramped apartment on the Southside of Chicago. While in their usual morning themes they come across a very deadly beast. A black rat appeared from under the bed. Panic arose and fear was amongst everyone. After the war between the Thomas family and a black rat bigger left and went to the pool hall. All of his friends Gus, Jack, and G.H. They discussed robbing a white guys shop for money. Inside he does not want to do it but the others do so Bigger goes along with it to keep the others off his back. Before they do the robbery they all rest. Bigger and G.H go to the movies and masturbate

National History Day Reflection

In the National History Day competition this year i learned a lot about the topic i chose. During the process of making a documentary was hard at times but overall was a good experience. I think this year working with partners helped work better as a team in other subjects and other projects. At times during the process of making this project there was a lot of frustration and confusion. Many times I felt like giving up, but i didn't. There were ups and downs to this project but my partners and I worked long and hard and got the project done. In doing this project from research i learned a lot of information on racial riots happening in previous history from the the Tulsa riots to the Detroit riots.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Native Son

1.Knowledge: Can you tell why bigger acts the way he does. Why is does he act so mad all the time?

Bigger may be acting so mad all the time because of this life style. I mean he lives in a one-room apartment with his mother, little brother and sister. The boys have to turn around so the girls can dress. Bigger may also be acting like that because him and his mother does not get a long so well. In the book his mother told him “Sometimes I wonder why I birthed you” and he responded “Maybe you ought to left me were I was. That is not the way a mother and son should be talking to each other.

2.Comprehension: Who are the key characters of this book, and why are they the key characters? 

The key characters of this book are Bigger and Mary. Bigger is the key character because the whole book is talking about Bigger and what he is doing. Mary on the other hand is also a key character because she came in the first book and they talked about her through out the whole book.

3.Application: What question would you ask f Bigger?

If I were to meet Bigger I would ask him what was his child life like. To add more to that I’m saying does the way he act now effect the way he is. Is that the reason why he is going around killing people, smoking and ect. 

4.Analysis: What problem do you think Bigger has with himself?

I think the problem Bigger has with himself is that he feels that people don’t thanks him for the good things he does. Which makes him feel bad. When he does well he will always be the bad guy. As they said in the book say “YOU CAN’T WIN!”

5.Synthesis: If you were to compose a song about Bigger’s life what would it be about?

If I were to compose a song about Bigger’s life it would be about how he grow up in a home that was small and no space to his self. It would also be about how he felt being around his mother. 

6.Evaluation: How would you have handled the situation with Bigger in the room alone with Mary being drunk?

I would have left Mary in the room and left to go to my room.
Native Son

Monday, February 11, 2008